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My News Room

ESOL for Beginners & Developers

Migrant Communities Inspired Together in partnership with SS&L, organise free ESOL lessons for migrants on certain benefits, or low income. T's&C's apply. To book your space please contact us through contact form on the website, or send email to 





Youth Club's Next Session

Youth Club's next session will be carried on 17th September 2022. All members aged 10-16y are super exited to get together again after long summer break, learn and have fun games and exercises together. If you'd like to enrol your child, please use contact form on website, or email Youth Club's sessions are carried usually every last Saturday of each month. For any changes we send emails to parents directly.


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Youth Club 

Youth Club in Bridgwater welcomes children ages 10y-16y who use English as a second language, to join in every last Saturday of the month for lots of fun activities and learning.

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How successful is a single Clinical Hypnotherapy session

To astonishment of many a single session might produce great results. Usually there's no physical proof of it, as conditions treated are mostly on psychological and behaviour level, there could not be conducted physical evidence of success besides of testimonial of the patient or in case of teenagers by their parents' words. 
However, as you can see in picture taken of young patient on day of first session on 6th August and picture taken on second meeting
on 24th August there's significant improvement. Teenager with self-harming tendencies seemed much calmer and with uplifted spirit too. We're so happy to be able to support younger generation.

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Female Hypnotherapy Patient

Hypnotherapy and Wellbeing Workshop

On 01/10/2022 we launch our first Hypnotherapy and Wellbeing Workshop in Bridgwater. It will be structured in two main parts, theory and practical session which will allow participants to gain general understanding on what Clinical Hypnotherapy is and to participate in group Wellbeing session 'How to co-op with stress'
Session is fully booked.   


Christmas Party!
We are happy to announce the date for Christmas event for children who use English as second language is set for 10th December at Engine Room, Bridgwater. There will be lots of games, face paint, crafts and of course meet Santa! 
Hurry to book space for your child!
£3 fee applies per child


Great Christmas event 10.12.2022

A wonderful party with more then 30 children from 5 different nationalities met Santa, created beautiful crafts with kind help of QLPS members and after fun games and dancing received their first present this Christmas. Warm thanks to Somerset Community Foundation for helping MC Inspired Together to spread festive joy to migrant families and children for second year. Our young friends will be keeping beautiful childhood memory thanks to you.

Yoga and well-being workshop

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New ESOL course starts in March in Bridgwater. Please contact to secure space!

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Martenici Workshop

Please join in on 18.02.2023 at Engine room, Bridgwater 1pm-3pm to learn more about and make old Bulgarian tradition of making Martenici to welcome the Spring!

New ESOL Lessons in Watchet 

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ESOL Lessons out in nature
for learners based in Minehead and Watchet

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New ESOL in Minehead

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Ongoing ftf and online ESOL Courses for new Academic year 2023-24! 

School classroom

Join our ESOL lessons for beginners funded by SS&L. Ongoing online, face to face and out in nature! For more information contact us here or email

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Christmas Event 2023!
Please join us on 16th December for fun games, snacks and meet Santa! More details on poster. Many thanks to Somerset Community Fundation for supporting us another year to spread joy to young migrant children! 


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Math Exercises

New Multiply courses, supporting better understanding of Maths, shapes, locations, fractions and many more through interactive exercises with different themes as cooking, jewellery crafting, budgeting and many more!

New Multiply Workshops 2024-25

Refugees awareness week event at Great woods! 22 June

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